Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Share Point ideas

We've just been talking about the ways you could use share point activities in the classroom, why not set a group a research task, but instead of having them just write down what they have found. Why not have them add what they have found to a sharepoint. This will allow everyone in the class to have their say and bring all their findings into one big resource area. Peace out g! XXX

Video Editing in the Classroom

Just a quick note to everybody to say ive been thinking about the way you could use video editing software in the classroom. This is mainly to do with the lesson plans we have had to do for this presentation. Children love media and somthing they love more is using computers so why not put both together and allow them to edit a video to show us as the teacher what they have learnt. Its a great way to gather a physical piece of evidence showing what the children have learnt! Mint!!!! X

Radio Show Is done!

Word up peeps! Just a quick shout to let you all know that the podcast has been done, me and Fi used the podium software and my god was it easy! This program could be very powerful for children to use. The only thing that i didnt like is that you couldnt edit individual bits of volume, youll see when you hear ours that the music is really loud but the speech is quiet. Other than that this program is great! Woop!

Monday, 23 March 2009

Geocaching, Whats that all about?

I just want to say, what a wicked idea!!!! woop! But i cant help but feel that our world is slowly becoming harder and harder to hide from! You cant do anything without technology at the moment! whats that all about? But as far as using this in schools? Rock on!!!!! Get your gps out and have some fun!!!! woop de smack! Peace! X

Starting to think about podcast

Word up y'all! Just starting to brainstorm some ideas for the podcast i gotta do with FI, I was thinking about some sort of radio report about an imaginary school, could possibly be students talking about a new member of staff? If anyone out there has any ideas could you please let me know!! leave me a comment or sommat! Peace!!! XX

Friday, 13 March 2009

Flowol 3, what a great program! wooohooo!

Sacasm has not always been my strong point but i hope my point has come across, i can see how this program can be fun for children but it didn't take long to master at all. It's a good way to show children how circuits work and how different switches can work. I've uploaded a picture of my mimic I worked on to show you! wey! always worth a laugh!

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Music technology! you gotta love it!!!! wey!

Wey Music!!!!! All about the tunage in the tune about! Just reflecting on the use of ICT when teaching music and as this is my specialist i thought i should stick some stuff up. ICT can be anything from using a cd recorder to record the childrens compositions to using start of the art sequencing software, the only thing you need to remember is to not let the technology get in the way of creativity! I dont really like the idea of super dooper music looper, ok its kinda fun and i can see children enjoying using it, but you have to make sure that the children arnt just playing around! It would be all to easy for the children to just muck around making tunes without really thinking about why there doing it! Just be warned people, ICT isn't always the way forward!